Nourished Personal Case Study — psyllium husk RSS

Case Study 52: Female, 29 - IBS, PCOS, Regulate Women Wellbeing & Digestive Health

Scenario Description: I have signs of IBS - sometimes constipated and sometimes regular. This is consistent with bloating and feeling of lethargy. I have taken probiotics for almost a year now but do not see much of a difference. I used to suffer from PCOS symptoms (2013-217) but follow up with OBGYN and my hormones have been regulated (last blood test 03/04/21)

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Case Study 49: Female, 23 - Lactose Intolerant, Irregular Bowel Movement, Poor Digestion, Low Energy Level, Menstrual Cramps

Scenario Description: I'm always bloated and get full so easily even when I just ate a small amount of food. My bowel movement is not regular. I also have issues with my overall energy - low energy all the time and feeling cold easily despite having eaten & drink sufficiently. Even after taking caffeine, my energy can only peak for 2-3 hours before it drops drastically when the caffeine wears out. Every month, I have quite an intense menstruation cramps that will last for about 2 days and I need to be on painkillers all day.

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Case Study 32: Female, 27 - Lactose Intolerant, Skin Brightening & Antiaging, Detox, Menstrual Cycle Regulation

Scenario Description:I’ve always neglected the way I looked so I’ve finally decided to give myself some TLC both inside and outside.For the outside, I’m looking for supplements that’ll help in maintaining healthy skin and hair. My skin currently shows mild signs of wrinkles and it seems a little dry. For my body, I do not look fat but I’ve got fats around my tummy, arms and back. So I’d like something that’ll help me lose these fats naturally and also something that’ll give my body some shape as I’ve got no shape at all, both butt and breast.For the inside, I’d like supplements that’ll help in promoting regular bowel movement as I may be constipated and I rely on detox...

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