Scenario Description:
I'm looking to have overall skin renew and regeneration, I had acne and scar problem on my face and hyperpigmentation at a number of spots like knee, elbow, armpit, inner thigh and Brazilian area. I'd also like to enlarge my breast. Basically I'm looking for 3 goals, skin glow up, breast enhancement and weight lose.
Scenario Description:
I have signs of IBS - sometimes constipated and sometimes regular. This is consistent with bloating and feeling of lethargy. I have taken probiotics for almost a year now but do not see much of a difference. I used to suffer from PCOS symptoms (2013-217) but follow up with OBGYN and my hormones have been regulated (last blood test 03/04/21)
Scenario Description: My priority will be brain and memory; complexion and skin wellbeing (My face skin is generally dried and with fairly pigmentation); sport management; wellbeing on major body organs.