Nourished Personal Case Study — digestion RSS

Case Study 46: Female, 37 - Antiaging, Skin Vitamins, Complexion Brightening & Whitening, Digestive Health

Taking Nourished products:(Since Jan 2021) Vitamin C, Grape Seed, Pearl, L-Glutathione;(Since March 2021) Probiotic, Digestive Enzyme, Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid Additional Remark:Currently - I divide your supplements into 2 parts: (1) Digestive Health products and Vitamins I take after waking up (2) Skin anti-aging & skin complexion supplements I take before bed.I also am concerned about Digestive Health. I am currently also taking your Probiotic and Digestive Enzyme, which I wish to maintain in this personal pack.

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Case Study 41: Female, 49 - Stage 4 Breast Cancer, Gluten / Soy / Dairy Allergy, Immunity, Digestive, Mental Alertness

Screening & DesigningDietary Restriction / Allergies: Gluten allergy, soy allergy, dairy allergy, lactose intolerantPregnant / Breastfeeding: NAOther Medical Comorbidities: Stage 4 Metastatic Breast CancerMedication / Supplements Taking Concurrently: Herceptin, Tykerb, Carvedilol

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Case Study 37: Female, 34 - Lethargic, Difficulty Falling Asleep, Poor Sleep Quality, Low Focus Span, Low Metabolism

Scenario Description: I feel lethargic easily, I always feel easily bloated. Too much dairy intake caused my stomach feel gassy which previously I do not have this issue. I have difficulty to fall asleep and having bad quality sleep and I think my focus span really short and I always forgetful. Also feel that my metabolism not good as it used to be.

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