Nourished Personal Case Study — brain health RSS

Case Study 40: Female, 35 - Frequent bladder infection (UTI), Women Wellbeing, Joints Support, Brain & Memory

Screening & Designing Dietary Restriction / Allergies: NAOther Medical Comorbidities: Frequent bladder infection (UTI) Medication / Supplements Taking Concurrently: Probiotics, Occasional Protein Powder, G***n Bal****e Digestive powder (ground broccoli and kale) with lemon in the mornings, maca root powder with cacao powder. I will still be continuing with my current supplements so I'm hoping that this Nourished blend will address my other concerns. 

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Case Study 38: Male, 43 - Avoid Gluten, Antioxidants, Men Wellbeing, Memory, Healthy Aging

Dietary Restriction / Allergies: Avoid gluten, trying on low carb high fat diet. Please do not include gingko, I tried it before and got headaches. Other Medical Comorbidities: NA Medication / Supplements Taking Concurrently: G** M***man Multivitamin, Omega 3, MCT Oil

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Case Study 35: Female, 31 - Actress & Key Opinion Leader, Vitamins, Skin Complexion, Memory

Scenario Description: I would love to improve my daily nutrition as i don’t diet when it comes to food. I eat everything but i also exercise. A coffee addict, takes a lot of sugar.It’ll be great to improve my digestion system as well. Anything that’ll improve my skin will be amazing too as my work involves long hour & super thick makeup.

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Case Study 27: Female, 31 - Vegetarian, Trying To Conceive, Address Premenstrual Symptoms, Weight Loss, Memory Boost.

Scenario Description: I would like a perfect blend to address my concerns as follow:1. I have very bad premenstrual symptoms - bloating, mood swing, and menstrual symptoms as well ( nausea, diarrhoea, abdominal pain). And also I am planning to try to conceive in few months time, maybe early or mid next year, so something to address my menstrual issues as well as prepare my body for pregnancy.2. I intend to lose little bit of weight, especially at the belly region. And I have very bad cravings so I have difficulty to stop eating or overeating sometimes. I am a stress eater and I work as a doctor so you can imagine my stress level, hence why sometimes I eat...

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