Nourished Personal Case Study: 23
*All users' profile are remained discreet and non-disclosure. For the purpose of education and learning, the company is releasing real life case study and the designing process of Nourished Personal.
More information of Nourished Personal service can be available on:
Background Information
Female, 29
My eyes feel really dry at the moment , poor sleep quality , feel fatigue.
Screening & Designing
Dietary Restriction / Allergies: Gluten
Pregnant / Breastfeeding: NA
Other Medical Comorbidities: NA
Medication / Supplements Taking Concurrently: Probiotic
For Heart & Cardiovascular Care
Ingredient Choice: Coenzyme Q10, Ginseng Extract
- Essential cardioprotective ingredients
- Supports healthy cardiovascular system component and overall heart health
- Deliver great energy profile
- Improves blood circulation and delivers oxygen to cellular tissue
For Liver Tonic & Detoxification
Ingredient Choice: L-Glutathione, Vitamin C
- Antioxidant properties and potential to detoxify, great option as liver tonic and support both phase 1 and phase 2 liver detoxification.
For Digestive Health
Ingredient Choice: Digestive Enzyme, Bifidobacterium Longum, Lactobacillus Acidophilus
- Proven data to aid digestion and protect overall gut health
- Capable to improve digestion, reduce the number of stomach discomfort & bloating occasions
- Clinically researched probiotic strains proven for better gut health
For Dry Eye
Ingredient Choice: Goji Berry Extract
- Promote eye health and clarity
Total Ingredients Suggested: 8